Benfits for the exploitation of child labourers overseas?

Many people protest the 'exploitation' of child labourers in developing countries by multi-national corporations like Nike. These workers are relatively underpaid in comparrison to somebody in the United States. However, without these corporations operating in these countries, these people wouldnt have jobs, and many are aware that these jobs offer substantially lower wages, yet continue to work in such conditions regardless. So if these workers still have a choice whether to work for less wages, is it right to call it exploitation?

Your feedback on the topic please.
They make wages that are lower than that of US workers, but is reasonable for the developing nation in which they live. So I don't know if it should be considered exploitation, because without that job, they might be hawking trinkets to tourists and have a much lower standard of living.
Tag: Benfits for the exploitation of child labourers overseas?