Girls- what are some clothes you like on men?

I mainly wear a hoodie and jeans, but I am starting to like polo shirts and khaki shorts with long nike socks and tennis shoes. What are some clothes you girls like and hate?
Well the khaki shorts with Nike socks seem to be the trend with guys at my school too. When you say tennis shoes what do you mean? Girls like guys who wear like Lebrons or something, the expensive type so yeah. Hoodie is probably better than polo depending.
First girls don't like it when you wear baggy clothing or shoes that are warn out and dirty or with holes in the socks.
We like it when you wear as you mentioned khakis with a polo if appropriate like if you're going outside or going to the park you could wear a nice tswift with some jeans and sperrys
Tag: Girls- what are some clothes you like on men?