Is this a legit website to buy a piccolo from?

These piccolos are SO cheap, but i want to know if it is a legit website cause i don't want it to come and it be broken or scratched or something... this is the site that i'm talking about>>>
These will all be junk - trash - garbage. Go to a respected site like, or other like it - Carolyn Nussbaum, J L Smith, etc.

Added - I also looked at this site, and these are junk - every single one of them. Made of pot metal and assembled in some sweatshop, they will break in a week. And do you really want to support quasi-slave labor in the Far East? Get a reputable brand where the workers - US, European, or Far East - are treated fairly, work in human conditions, and produce a quality product. These are the Nike scandal of instrument manufacture.
Sure, it's a legit website. And you could purchase a picc from them, and it won't be scratched, or dented. But it won't be anything that will carry you to a future in music. They are $90 for a reason. Those that are under $100 are advertized without a name; the "brand name" ones are Cecilio, often noted to be among the worst production instruments.
I just skimmed the site, but maybe they're all used? Used instruments tend to go cheaper, so the site could be using that as an advertisement method.
Tag: Is this a legit website to buy a piccolo from?